”... it is an easy to understand system ”

Goolwa Elite Collision, SA

”The changeover was completely trouble free”

Shipley Smash Repairs, Caloundra QLD

”The impact on my business has been huge”

Brady's Body Works, Coopers Plains QLD

”I highly recommend this product to anyone ”

Max Smash Repairs, Smithfield NSW

”... it has made our job much easier”

Brady's Body Works, Coopers Plains QLD


Security Policy

Clear21 is committed to the security of customer data

Clear21 Security Statement

Last updated 14th February 2025

This commitment reflects both our professionalism towards handling commercially sensitive information together with our acknowledgement of certain legal responsibilities.

Customer data is stored in data centres operated by Amazon Web Services which comply with recognised international and national security standards including PCI DSS Level 1, ISO 27001 and ISO 9001.

Data is protected by user authentication, data encryption, network protection and security monitoring mechanisms.

Data is hosted in Australia or New Zealand unless the customer has consented to an alternative location.

To the extent that customer data comprises personal information, Clear21 recognises its legal obligations under applicable privacy and data protection laws, specifically the requirement to ensure that such information remains secure, free from misuse, interference and loss, and free from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

Further information regarding the security of personal information is contained in our Privacy Policy.

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