Goolwa Elite Collision, SA
Goolwa Elite Collision, SA
Max Smash Repairs, Smithfield NSW
Shipley Smash Repairs, Caloundra QLD
Goolwa Elite Collision, SA
Brady's Body Works, Coopers Plains QLD
Max Smash Repairs, Smithfield NSW
Brady's Body Works, Coopers Plains QLD
Shipley Smash Repairs, Caloundra QLD

Powerful...Smart...and simple to use
Putting the power in your hands... and at your fingertip!
This is the most critical phase in the Job cycle. Get it wrong and you could lose serious money.

Powerful Mobile Estimating
Now you can do it... anywhere ! Out the front, out the back, in the workshop...and even at the Assessing Centre.

3 ways of Estimating
Use Basic (type everything in the old way), Tagging (reduce typing with this selection method) or use NTAR for a very powerful Estimating tool

Parts Sourcing
Use the popular ePrice from RepairConnection to get your part prices

Estimate writing with Undo and Redo
Don't worry about changing your mind or making mistakes. The unlimited undo and redo features make sure you never lose anything

Estimate writing with unlimited Notes
Every item of Labour and every Part can have unlimited notes and comments

Paintless Dent Removal and Weld On
Your Estimate has full support for Paintless Dent Removal and Weld On items

Adding Mechanical items to your Estimate is fully supported in iBodyshop

Every change to your Estimate is tracked so you know who changed what - and when.

Assessment History
Every single labour item and every single Part has a complete assessment history. Just what you need for those colourful discussions with the assessor.

Multiple Labour Rates
Now you can do Owner work on the same Job and apply different labour rates for the Owner

Automatic Supplementary Tracking
You concentrate on writing the Estimate and making changes after initial Authorisation, iBodyshop keeps a full track of what is and isn't on a Supplementary

Dual Screen Breakout
With this handy utility you have all the information at your disposal to make the best decisions about every Job
The best cloud based Estimating & Bodyshop Management System. $ZERO up front and affordable monthly fees.